Page 5 - Hammer Shock - Picture Palace Movie Posters
P. 5


                                              I first fell in love with this genre of cinema, and Hammer in particular, over 40
                                              years  ago;  initially  through  books  like  Denis  Gifford's  'A  Pictorial  History  of
                                              Horror Movies', where I'd pore over page after page of photos imagining what
                                              the films must be like; then, in the flesh so to speak, through the BBC's various
                                              late night horror double bills. I remember sneaking down stairs after everyone
                                              had gone to bed to watch on an old black and white TV with the sound off and
                                              being  terrified,  not  of  the  films,  which  fascinated  me,  but  of  the  wrath  of  my
                                              parents if I were to be discovered!

                                              Although  I  loved  the  Universal  films  (and  still  do),  it  was  always  the  British
                                              movies  that  captured  my  imagination  the  most.  Even  in  what  were  often  cut
                 Cover artwork by Tom Chantrell
                                              and  panned  and  scanned  prints  there  was  something  quite  different  and
                                              magical about them. The best had, and still have, a unique dream like quality I
                                              have  always  found  mesmerizing  and  it  was  this  fascination  that  first  got  me
                                              into  collecting,  and  subsequently  dealing  in,  collectibles  from  some  of  my
                                              favourite films - and what better piece of memorabilia to have than the original
                                              movie poster!

                                              Whilst this catalogue is in no way a comprehensive history of all the marketing
                                              produced for every British fantasy horror film, it has been designed to hopefully
                                              give  a  representative  overview  of  the  three  decades  and  allow  collectors  an
                                              opportunity to acquire examples of international posters from some of the most
                                              significant titles of the period, as well as some films that are maybe not quite
                 Radio Times                  so well known.
                 28th June - 4th July 1980
                                              So I hope you enjoy!

                                                                Mark Barrow - Picture Palace Movie Posters

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